O espaço dialético em A estrela sobe, de Marques Rebelo


  • Mariângela Alonso Universidade de São Paulo


Marques Rebelo; A estrela sobe;


Based on the tense and problematic relationship between the character and the city, this article highlights the investigation of a nuclear conflict in the Marques Rebelo’s fiction: the dialectical treatment of the category of spatiality and its consequences in the novel A estrela sobe (1939). This work constitutes the turning point of the rebellious work, insofar as it presents the space in a dialectical way, marked by the tension between the protagonist Leniza Máier and the city of Rio de Janeiro, in order to reveal important features of the author's aesthetic project. Theoretical support for the development of the analysis consists of studies by Antonio Candido (1974, 1993, 2015) on the topic at hand. In addition, we consider critical essays that approach Marques Rebelo's modern fiction.


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