A Sociolinguística e o ensino de Língua Portuguesa

as reflexões e os desafios


  • Antonio Marcos de Almeida Ribeiro Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana


Sociolinguistics. Portuguese Language Teaching. Language. Variation.


The present work proposes reflections aligning perspectives on the teaching of Portuguese and Sociolinguistics, elucidating how school education deals with teaching and linguistic variation. Thus, it aims to present some theoretical reflections on the implications that fall on the relationship between Sociolinguistics and Portuguese Language teaching in basic education. This work was developed from a bibliographic study of theorists such as Faraco (2008), Beline (2004), Althusser (1970), among others. The PCNs referring to the Portuguese Language were also consulted, as they deal with the pedagogical practice in schools and the whole operationalization around basic education, being an instrument to support the pedagogical discussions guiding the planning and educational practice. The legacy of Sociolinguistics to education is to bring theoretical contributions to the notion of variation in speech communities. It helps to rethink public policies regarding the teaching of the Portuguese Language, pointing out ways of change for a better portrait of teaching in Brazil.


Keywords: Sociolinguistics. Portuguese Language Teaching. Language. Variation.



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