Development of a power supply controlled by an arduino microcontroller and application for laboratory applications
Application, Arduino Microcontroller, Laboratory, Power supplyAbstract
This article covers the development and implementation of a bench power supply controlled by an Arduino microcontroller, designed for laboratory applications, integrating it with an application interface. The aim of the research is to create a parameterizable power supply, guaranteeing precision at an affordable cost, with the application coordinating the voltage and current adjustments, storing and displaying the readings obtained. It is justified by the need for a suitable power supply to meet the demands of the Automation and Analytical Instrumentation Laboratory at the Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia (UFRB). The difference lies precisely in the usability of the application, representing a practical and accessible solution for configuring parameters. The methodology adopted for its realization follows five distinct stages: Defining the specifications; Designing the source and its automation; Designing and implementing the application; Simulation; Functional analysis and testing. The results obtained show that the source meets the proposed requirements, exhibiting minimal variations in output regulation, with error remaining below 1.5% and reaching stabilization in less than 2.5 seconds, which is adequate and consistent with the expectations set. The difference between the voltage and current measurements made using a reference multimeter is a maximum of 0.4% and 5.88% respectively. Although the latter value exceeds what is expected, it does not compromise the viability of the project. Providing a range of 0 to 24 V of voltage and 0 to 1 A of current. This source is linked to the project evaluating a low-cost electrochemical cell for the degradation of pollutants; the source was developed to help prove this study. In this way, the project meets the initial requirements, offering flexibility in adjustments, precision and economy, with an estimated cost of R$ 200, consolidating itself as a valuable acquisition to the laboratory.
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