About the Journal

The Global South Young - Journal of Sociology of Youth is an open-access electronic scientific journal, published continuously, dedicated to themes related to young people in the context of the Global South.

The Global South Young journal is aimed primarily at researchers dedicated to youth issues in the Human Sciences, as well as decision-makers, governmental and non-governmental institutional agents who work with young people, youth movements and organizations in the Global South.



The Global South Young - Journal of Sociology of Youth aims to contribute to the construction and dissemination of scientific knowledge about young people from the Global South in the field of Human Sciences. It seeks to bring together contributions that express the thematic diversity, of theoretical approaches and methodological approaches, on the manifestations of the youth phenomenon. By publishing and disseminating the results of innovative empirical and theoretical research, the magazine constitutes a relevant source of studies and a reference for all those interested in issues related to the majority of young people on the planet, considering that 70% of the population under 30 years of age lives in the Global South. The Global South Young - Journal of Sociology of Youth  aims to contribute to the internationalization of scientific production on the subject, through cooperation and collaboration between researchers from different institutions, disseminating original research results with an interdisciplinary focus.



Global South Young - Journal of Sociology of Youth is an electronic scientific journal with open access, dedicated to themes related to young people in the context of the Global South. With continuous publication, the scope of the journal includes articles resulting from innovative empirical and theoretical research in the field of Human Sciences, which are original and unpublished on themes related to youth and young people. It also publishes interviews and reviews written in Portuguese, Spanish and English. Young People in the Global South is aimed primarily at specialized academic and scientific audiences, as well as a broader audience interested in scientific knowledge about Young People in the Global South.



The Global South Young - Journal of Sociology of Youth is organized around the following sections: Editorial, Articles, Dossier, Interviews, Reviews and Expedient


Editorial - Brings opinions and clarifications — including those related to the presentation of the edition itself, written by the Editor or by the Editorial Commission.

Articles - Receives articles in a continuous flow system, in accordance with the editorial standards adopted by Global South Young - Journal of Sociology of Youth. It brings together scientific articles constructed from literature review and/or empirical research with original contributions to the scientific knowledge of young people in the field of Human Sciences. The results of empirical research must explain research procedures, criteria for constituting the sample or selecting subjects, methods of collecting, constructing and analyzing data and approval by the ethics council, when applicable. Theoretical research must evidence original elaboration on theme and question. They are submitted to blind peer review.

Dossier - Thematic dossier, organized by a specialist(s), receives original articles from a public call with a deadline for submission that will be submitted to double blind evaluation by an ad hoc reviewer. The dossiers can be organized by the Editorial Committee or proposed in response to the public call for this purpose.

Interviews - Features unpublished interviews with researchers of recognized prominence for their contributions in the field of youth studies. It will be limited to 10 pages. Proposals are submitted to the Section Editor and Editor-in-Chief for evaluation.

Review – Receives submissions of critical-descriptive reviews, understood as texts that report the technical description, content synthesis and critical analysis of a recently released work that meets the scope Global South Young  Journal. This type of review carries a high degree of analysis of the work. It must have at the top of the page the record of the reference of the work, according to ABNT and APA standards (for international propositions). Below it must have a different title from that of the book it discusses. The line below the title should include the author's name, with a cross-reference at the end of the text informing his/her title and institutional affiliation. Proposals will be submitted to blind peer review.

File - Records institutional information, editorial responsibilities, the composition of the Editorial Board and also attributes credits to the work of the professional involved in the making of the journal.