Peer Review Process

Texts submitted to the Griot: Revista de Filosofia are initially evaluated by the editors to verify if they conform to the Scope / Focus of the journal and in accordance with the Guidelines for Authors. Texts approved at this stage are sent to a specialist member of the Editorial Board and to two external expert evaluators of the Scientific Council (without any link with UFRB) or ad hoc refereed experts in the field for "double blind" evaluation; if necessary, the articles will be sent to other evaluators.
The whole evaluation process, from receipt of the article to the final result, takes 4 to 8 weeks; the rate of rejection by volume is 65 to 73%. The publication of the approved articles follows strictly the journal's periodicity: February, June and October.  
In the process of "double-blind" peer evaluation, the identities of the evaluators and authors are hidden from both parties. The results of the evaluations can be: "accepted", "accepted with modifications" and "rejected". Evaluators will observe the following criteria:
  • Originality and contribution to the area of ​​Philosophy
  • Suitability of title, abstract and keywords to content
  • Consistency and relevance of references used
  • Relevance and novelty of the topic addressed
  • Clarity of theme and objectives
  • Quality of writing and clarity of the arguments