Written and memory in Plato’s Phaedrus
Written; Memory; Recollection; Rhetoric; KnowAbstract
It would be the writing a remedy (pharmakon) for the memory and the cause of wisdom among men? This is the fundamental question that this article aims to investigate from the myth of the invention of the writing Plato’s Phaedrus (428-347 BC). The analysis made by Socrates and Phaedrus, the two speakers of the conversation, will lead us to think about an issue that pass by all the dialogues of Plato, that is the nature of knowledge and its relationship with the language. We will see how Socrates (character) states the difference between memory and remembrance, mnéme e anámnesis. This conceptual examination appears as fundamental in order to understand how the soul (psychê) arouses interest, through language, for philosophical activity, which also ends up being a critique of the rhetoric of the Sophists, logographers, political speakers and contemporary of Plato.
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