Art and aesthetics: the contemporary discussion from George Dickie
Aesthetics; Art definition; Contemporary art.Abstract
In the article The myth of the aesthetic attitude, among other works, the philosopher George Dickie opposes the thesis that circumscribe the appreciation of works of art to certain psychological states centered on the notion of disinterest practical and will provide the only space where they would have meaning as such. Our purpose here at first, will clarify one aspect of this critical point, namely, the review and objection to the concept of "aesthetic attitude" taken by Jerome Stolnitz. Secondly, to ask if, in general, the objection to that concept can be extended to the aesthetic value (not just tied to a certain "attitude"), considered irrelevant to the institutional theory of art, the center's philosophy Dickie. Thus, we will resume discussion on the demarcation between aesthetics and philosophy of art, but will do so from the perspective of Dickie and, far from exhausting it, just will indicate possible ways for the relationship between these two instances.
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