Dives in the Acherons: for a rhizomatic and minor university
Philosophy of Difference; Education; Creation; Rhizome; Minor University.Abstract
This text is the result of bibliographical research, of a philosophical nature, supported by the records of the philosophy of difference and/or multiplicity developed by French philosophers Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. Our intention is to situate how philosophy, as well as art and science, are defined by the creative power, or by the demand to create a new thought, as opposed to representational thinking and recognition. We will highlight the specificity of philosophical activity and its primary task as the creation of concepts and we will point out elements of a pedagogy of the concept. Through it and territorialization and deterritorialization movements, we carried out a thought exercise addressing issues related to the contemporary university, opposing two images of knowledge, namely, the arboreal and the rhizomatic; we also propose the concept of a smaller university as a bulwark of resistance.
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