Ego, hic et nunc

the echoes of enunciation



Enunciation, Formal Apparatus, Benveniste, Greimas


The present article aims to contemplate the Theory of Enunciation from Èmile Benveniste, mainly regarding the categories that compose the formal apparatus of enunciation. To this end, it was sought to clarify the grand values from Benveniste´s approach, describing how the person discursiveness occurs, from space and linguistic time in different linguistic materiality. During this pathway, it was provoked the questioning on the statue of writing enunciation in the linguists theory, finding a possible anchorage in the interface made by Algirdas Greimas, in the discursive semiotics. In this way, it was observed one application of enunciation theory, expanding its pillars to textual universe, giving them a character beyond formal linguistic molds.


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