The division of fine arts: Kant and Hegel
Beautiful art; Genius; private Arts; Kant; Hegel.Abstract
This article discusses a philosophical perspective the relationship between fine arts Division proposed by Kant and Hegel. Aims to clarify the approaches and distances between the Division of fine arts presented by philosophers, pointing out their similarities and differences. Basing your analysis on The Critic of Judgement of 1790 and Aesthetics Courses (1820-21), respectively prepared by Immanuel Kant and Friedrich Hegel. Performs a comparative analysis between the Division of Kantian and Hegelian fine arts. Features initially the Division of fine arts on Kantian perspective, addressing the concept of beautiful art, your classification and your hierarchy, according to the philosopher of Königsberg. Then, the Division of the arts according to Hegel, introducing the concept of your beautiful, artistic forms of symbolic art, classical and romantic, exposing and analyzing also the private Arts according to the philosopher of Stuttgart. Concludes that, despite the differences between the two analyses on the Division of fine arts, such as the defense of Hegel in beautiful artistic relationship and of Kant to the beautiful natural, the Hegelian claim that there is a science of the beautiful while the Kantian conception is that there is no science of the be it, for example, featured philosophers agree, among other things, that poetry occupies the highest place in the hierarchy of the fine arts, being the more spiritual and free them.
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