The materialization of consciousness and the defense of transcendental phenomenology in Husserl
Husserl; Naturalism; Materialism; Transcendental.Abstract
The aim of this paper is to discuss Husserl's defence of transcendental phenomenology in the face of the attitude of materialization and the naturalization of consciousness, which dominates the attitude that underlies the formation of the natural sciences. Inheriting some elements of classical German philosophy, Husserl understands that it is only through the a priori that philosophy can be realized as a rigorous science. Our analysis will initially be developed through a critical discussion of the problem that Husserl identifies in the naturalistic sciences based on the natural attitude, which is the materialization of consciousness. Next, we will show how, in relation to the project of building a philosophy as a rigorous science, naturalism, which is naive in its foundation, is the main obstacle to be overcome because of the consequences that can arise from it, implying currents such as psychologism, materialism and positivism. Finally, we will point out the way in which Husserl defends transcendental phenomenology against the naivety of natural science, which remains trapped in empirical facts and makes them the ultimate criterion for attesting to truth.
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