Biorational agriculture: herbicidal activity of sorghum extract in control of Cyperus rotundus L.


  • Fabio Santos Matos Universidade Estadual de Goiás, Campus Ipameri, grupo de pesquisa: Fisiologia da Produção Vegetal
  • Brunno Nunes Furtado
  • Millena Ramos dos Santos
  • Víctor Alves Amorim
  • Larissa Pacheco Borges


The present estudy aimed to identify the herbicidal effect of sorghum extract in control of Cyperus rotundus L. The work was carried out in greenhouse covered with transparent plastic and shade cloth in the sides with 50% light interception. The C. rotundus L. seedlings with 10 days after emergence were transplanted from the field to the 10 liters pots with a mix of soil, sand and manure in a 3:1:1 propotion respectively. The experiment followed the completely randomized design in 4x5 factorial array with four types of sorghum extract: root extraction in alcohol, leaf extraction in alcohol, root extraction in water and leaf extraction in water and five concentrations (0%, 20%, 40%, 80% e 100%). Four applications of five ml per plant were made in 10 days intervals, initiated when the plants were 30 days old. The sorghum leaf extract shows a herbicidal effect in C. rotundus by interfering in plant growth. The extracts diluted in water and alcohol showed efficency in C. rotundus growth reduction, as long as the allelochemical it’s extracted from the leaf, by the fact that the extraction of root showed low herbicidal effect in C. rotundus plants. The sorghum leaves showed great allelochemical production with herbicidal action and represents a promising biorational alternative in weeds control, however, futher studies with variations in concentrations and large number of weed species it’s necessary for a broad utilization.


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Biografía del autor/a

Fabio Santos Matos, Universidade Estadual de Goiás, Campus Ipameri, grupo de pesquisa: Fisiologia da Produção Vegetal

Laboratório de Produção Vegetal


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Cómo citar

Matos, F. S., Furtado, B. N., dos Santos, M. R., Amorim, V. A., & Borges, L. P. (2021). Biorational agriculture: herbicidal activity of sorghum extract in control of Cyperus rotundus L. MAGISTRA, 31, 675–682. Recuperado a partir de



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