New records of naturalised Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) in Brazil



Abstract: We present here the first account of the naturalised (spontaneous) occurrence of Impatiens balsamina in Brazil, and of I. walleriana in Ceará state, northeastern Brazil. These new records were discovered during herbarium revisions. Both species are widely cultivated as ornamental and were introduced to the Americas from the Old World tropics, and have subsequently escaped cultivation and become naturalised in some areas; in the neotropics, I. walleriana is clearly an invasive species. We also provide morphological descriptions of these two species, photographs, a distribution map of the new records and an identification key to the species of Impatiens naturalised in South America.

 Key words: Distribution extension, Identification key, Invasive species


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Cómo citar

Hassemer, G., & dos Santos, A. P. (2018). New records of naturalised Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) in Brazil. MAGISTRA, 29(1), 98–105. Recuperado a partir de



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