Vol. 24 (2012): Synsecta

					View Vol. 24 (2012): Synsecta

This special issue of Magistra was edited in partnership with the organizers of the Entomological Week of Bahia (SINSECTA), with the objective of disseminating the works presented and discussed during the event, which brought together professionals from different institutions, debating topics of entomological activities. The works presented were reviewed by ad hoc consultants selected by the coordination of the event, in compliance with the editorial policy of Magistra.
Geni da Silva Sodre

Published: 2022-08-02

Evento científico

  • SINSECTA Bahia entomological week

    UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RECÔNCAVO DA BAHIA UFRB, UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DE FEIRA DE SANTANA UEFS, REDE BAIANA DE POLINIZADORES REPOL, Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia UESB, AGÊNCIA DE DEFESA AGROPECUÁRIA DA BAHIA ADAB, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Baiano IFBAIANO, Universidade Federal da Bahia UFBA, Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária Embrapa