Internal realism as pragmatist realism and the conceptual schemes: a critical proposal to traditional metaphysics
Realism; Metaphysics; Conceptual schemes; Cultural relativism.Abstract
The aim of this paper is to show that the internal realism may be a theoretical framework able to ensure that there is objectivity in linguistic contexts that shape our community interrelations. This is part of a project that Putnam has developed since the mid-1970s and that, if successfully achieve, may help solve, the one time, the problems raised by cultural relativism and give a programmatic routing with regard to viability of understanding of the social and political reality in which sits the West, regarding the irreversible condition of contemporary pluralism. Thus, our goal will be to make evident that there can be grounded in a moderate alternative to realism that rejects realism of traditional metaphysics and also the most common consequences of dumping, namely cultural relativism objectivity.
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