Analysis of the relationship the individual and the collectivity second Edith Stein




Freedom; The collectivity; Overhead guard.


The present research aims to work the theme of freedom in relation the individual and the collectivity second steiniano thought. It is part of a research of the individual in relation with himself, with the other for hence abstracting the essence of the peculiarity of external influences the conviviality of the individual in the collectivity. Thus, Stein phenomenologically analyzes all the dimensions of the human person and recognizes that it is necessary to investigate the subjective manifestations of spirituality and examine its consequences in collective life. Thus a phenomenological research about the relationship the individual and the collectivity is underlying the problem of how the individual can safeguard their individuality and freedom in collective coexistence. To answer this question the author presents the path of faith as opening so that the individual can act ethically, aware in collectivity in view of the common good. Human freedom as a gift of grace and as human condition that is revealed through the relation between the kingdom of nature and the Kingdom of grace. 


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Author Biographies

Fabio Maia Sobral, Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)

Doutor em Filosofia pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), São Paulo – Brasil. Professor da Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), Ceará – Brasil.

Kátia Gardênia da Silva Coelho, Faculdade Católica Rainha do Sertão (FCRS)

Mestre em Filosofia pela Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UECE), Ceará – Brasil. Bolsista da FUNCAP. Professora da Faculdade Católica Rainha do Sertão (FCRS), Ceará – Brasil.


STEIN, Edith. Obras Completas. Vol. IV. Escritos antropológicos y pedagógicos: magistério de vida cristiana, 1926-1933. Trad. de Francisco Javier Sancho, OCD. José Mardomingo, Constantino Ruiz Garrido, Carlos Días, Alberto Pérez, OCD. Gerlinde Follrich de Aginaga. Madri: Monte Carmelo, 2003.

STEIN, Edith. Obras Completas. Vol. V. Escritos espirituales: en el Carmelo Teresiano: 1933-1942.Trad. de Francisco Javier Sancho, ODC, Julen Urkiza, OCD. Madrid: Monte Carmelo, 2004.

STEIN, Edith. A ciência da cruz. 4 ed. São Paulo: Loyola, 2004.

STEIN, Edith. Obras Completas. Vol. II. Escritos filosóficos: etapa fenomenológica: 1915-1920. Tradução do Alemão de Constantino Ruiz Garrido, José Luis Callero Boro. Madrid: Monte Carmelo, 2005.



How to Cite

SOBRAL, Fabio Maia; COELHO, Kátia Gardênia da Silva. Analysis of the relationship the individual and the collectivity second Edith Stein. Griot : Revista de Filosofia, [S. l.], v. 13, n. 1, p. 277–286, 2016. DOI: 10.31977/grirfi.v13i1.685. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 dec. 2024.


