Hegel`s: the concept of freedom and history from the fundamental lines of the philosophy of law
Freedom; History; Progress; Spirit; Self-awareness; Fundamental Lines of The Philosophy of Law.Abstract
Despite the abundance of works and debates concerning the concept of freedom, whether individual, collective or metaphysical, it is noted that the questions surrounding the topic are inexhaustible and subject to reflection. Mainly with regard to Hegel, since his philosophy does not address the concept of freedom and its consequences as isolated parts, as if there were several types of freedom. On the contrary, freedom in Hegel appears as the essence of the subjective spirit that expresses itself in the world in the form of the objective spirit, that is, in history. This, in turn, appears as an action of the spirit itself through individuals. These are guided by reason progressively to the self-knowledge that freedom is an intrinsic condition for all men. Thus, the present article aims to clarify Hegel's concept of freedom from the Fundamental Lines of the Philosophy of Law (2022) and its relationship with the concept of history.
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