Substance, attribute and mode in Descartes’ philosophy: a tour through its definitions, problems and ambiguities
Descartes; Substance; Attribute; Mode; Distinctions; Metaphysics.Abstract
In this article, the notions of substance, attribute and mode in Cartesian metaphysics and the problems that revolve around these notions will be analyzed, whether in their definitions or in the relationships they establish between them. Initially, the different definitions that the notion of substance has and the problems arising from these definitions will be analyzed. Next, the same treatment will be given to the notions of attribute and mode. Once this is done, the analysis will focus on the relationships established by these notions. Finally, it is intended to highlight the confusion between three distinct levels of being — formal, ontological and numerical — existing in the Cartesian system and that attempts to solve problems that the author himself was unable to end up inserting consequences into the author's thinking that he never accepted, or by hiding explicitly formulated statements.
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