Dissonances and resonances of kantian philosophy on Maine de Biran





Maine de Biran; Kant; Kantianism; Biranism.


The purpose of this paper is to question the legitimacy of the intervention that determines Kant's philosophy over Maine's philosophy of Biran. We will maintain, in this research, that Biranism is not a kind of Kantism and that the French philosopher's oppositions to the German philosopher are more striking than the apparent compatibility between them. To prove this proposition, we will demonstrate that the Biranian theses are essentially Biranian, contesting the words of our Lachelier that “Maine de Biran is Kant”, and also that Maine de Biran was never a Kantian in strict sense, following a path opposite to that of the German philosopher, distancing himself from his philosophy and from any determinant influence of Kant.


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Author Biography

André Renato Oliveira, Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCAR)

Doutor(a)  em  Filosofia  pela  Universidade  Estadual  de  Campinas  (UNICAMP),  Campinas –SP,  Brasil. Pós-doutorando(a) em Filosofia na Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCAR), São Carlos –SP, Brasil.


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KANT, I. Kant’s Gesammelte Schriften Akademieausgabe“, Königlich Preu ßische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin 1900ff. (bisher 29 Bände), Reimer, ab 1922 de Gruyter.

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NAVILLE, E. Oeuvres Inédites De Maine De Biran 3 vol, Paris: Dezobry, E. Magdeleine et cia, 1859.

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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA, André Renato. Dissonances and resonances of kantian philosophy on Maine de Biran. Griot : Revista de Filosofia, [S. l.], v. 21, n. 3, p. 408–425, 2021. DOI: 10.31977/grirfi.v21i3.2424. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufrb.edu.br/index.php/griot/article/view/2424. Acesso em: 4 dec. 2024.


