Philosophical conditions for a husserlian aesthetic
Phenomenology; Aesthetics; Experience; Perception.Abstract
This paper presents philosophical conditions for the foundation of a specifically Husserlian aesthetic. Therefore, will be at first considered philosophical equivalences of two modalities of conscious experience: phenomenological and aesthetic. Thereafter, we highlight some of the concepts that guide Husserlian phenomenology as perception, intuitive experience, imagination and image consciousness. We present a conceptual approach of phenomenological experience as an experience of immediate awareness that has in perception the privileged path to access data originating from intentional objects. Aesthetics experience as a specific type of perception and loss, becomes a modality of phenomenological experience, insofar as it integrates, in itself, the same subject and object in a relationship properly intentional experience, functioning as a perfect paradigm of phenomenological perception opposed to naturalized experience model. Both aesthetics and phenomenology make it possible to centralize conscious experience in relation to world-consciousness, much more than the objective characterization of the world or any purely psychological facts. In both philosophical fields, imagination has a prominent status.
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